Disney/Pixar ‘Coco’ movie artwork

Disney/Pixar has a new full feature animated film for our kids this Christmas season called Coco. It’s about a young boy who has a passion, he envisions himself a great guitar player. There’s only one problem: His family has a ban on any family member from playing music! But somehow, talking to the dead is going to solve all of his serenading setbacks.

Does this seem all fine and dandy to you? It doesn’t seem to matter much to the religious community at any rate. The Catholic church for one has for centuries allowed their congregations to indulge in pagan practices such as Tarot card reading, praying to idols and speaking to the dead which by the way are all things God specifically speaks out against. And the kicker to this anti-God behavior is its allowed so as to not disrupt the current or future congregants’ habits and thus disrupt the flow of tithes into the coffers.

The harsh reality of this unfortunate scenario is that Pixar’s new animated feature film ‘Coco’ is in its entirety an affront to God and that movie should be banned from viewing by pastors and priests all over the world! By defying His authority and going against His decrees this children’s cartoon teaches that conjuring ghosts and spirits for the purpose of satisfying some innate need imagined or real is how you solve your problems. It also illustrates a kind of normalcy of necromantic behavior by the family members in this movie. They are made to appear perfectly at ease with their sorcery or soothsaying ways if you prefer. Distinctly prohibited by God though, Our Lord does not take this matter lightly, just as King Saul found out the hard way. You can ask him yourself if you just so happen to see him that is.

Saul’s experience pertains to the contact he had with the Witch of Endor circa 1010bc (Book of 1 Samuel, chapter 28) after the Philistines pitched their tents nearby to taunt Saul with the threat of war. It was a war he thought he was unlikely to win due to the large numbers of Philistines at the ready. With Samuel no longer alive to advise Saul  according to what God told Samuel, an anxious Saul wanting to hear from God through Samuel was told there was a witch he could consult with to get the answers he imagined he so desperately needed. Needless to say none of that situation went well for Saul, at all.

Circa 1010bc King Saul meets with the Witch of Endor.

The harsh reality is you don’t know who you’re actually communicating with unless you’re the witch from Endor!
In a related story there’s the grisly case of the young man in Florida, Austin Harrouff 19, who was caught by the police eating at part of the face of an innocent bystander after killing his wife at their home! He confessed that because he was hearing from a demon named Daniel, he would lose control of himself and start to act bizarrely and not remember what he had done in the meanwhile. Yeah, this stuff is real like in the story of Jesus and the demoniacs (Luke 8:26-39 & Mark 9:14-29 & Acts 16:16-18). I’m not saying that by watching a movie you’ll become possessed by a demon but this is just one example of the negative side of spiritualism. This combined with young, impressionable children, especially now days, when they do not have the proper training to deal with all of the different things they’re being bombarded with on a daily basis let alone the very serious subject of demon possession, necromancy and every kind of satanic influence we’re all surround by these days, these very last days.
(Harrouff’s story here: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/real-life-stories/teenage-cannibal-killer-stripped-naked-11557157 )

In the end looking to advance your future by summoning spirits or looking at ancestral figures like in the new movie ‘Coco’ is a road filled with confusion, ungodliness & the very real possibility of accidently attaching yourself to one of these wandering spirits/demons. It’s better for you and everyone you love to just do what the Word says and follow Jesus Christ since He is the Savior of the world.

God Bless You Everybody & Shalom to You & Yours.

Leviticus 19:31
Deuteronomy 18:10-11
Isaiah 8:19-20

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